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My Fitness Services

30 Day Jump Start program

MY 30 Day Jump Start Program is a proven way of eating that works to help any person struggling with weight loss.  This program is not  about shakes, pills, body wraps or memberships.   This is about real food.  It is  designed to teach you how to re-wire your brain to use the good food as fuel for your body to become a fat burning machine.  At the end of the 30 days - you are left feeling better, eating better, and wearing smaller jeans.

You get detailed instructions on what to expect. What to eat and what to avoid.  A shopping list, a menu for 4 weeks of meals, an easy to follow customizable work out plan and a 40 page cook book illustrated in color all for $15.00

Its a small investment for a healthier YOU.

My Story

Making a Positive Impact

I promote a healthy lifestyle by combining exercise and proper nutrition. My main focus is to educate and help.  Being healthy and staying strong is a lifetime change and commitment to yourself and I am here to help you stay on track.

I Believe in Health

Get Fit


Have you thought of hiring a personal trainer but availability is the issue?  Try online training and train on YOUR schedule. 


Please contact me for more details.


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“Do exactly what you would do if you felt most secure”

Meister Eckhart

Athletic Woman With Kettlebells

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Brentwood, California    phone 925.6283.102

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