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Hitting Plateaus and Breaking them

If you’re like most people, finding a new routine and sticking to it is a little nerve racking and a lot exciting. Especially when you see results from your new found routine.  At least exercise seems to have that effect of those who start a new fitness regimine. The pounds start to come off and your clothes fit loser.  You find even more motivation to get up at the crack of dawn to get to the gym and get your “strong on”.   Then that becomes routine.  And routine means that you’ve become accustomed to your new lifestyle, but you’re not seeing results any longer. 

Well, that’s simply your body telling you that you have plateaued and it’s ready for a change. The routine you’ve been following has become boring to your muscles. It’s no longer challenging. How do you break the plateau?  Simple, you change your routine.  If running was what you were doing, then start cross training by adding resistance training. Or run intervals with speed or add hills to your runs. If you were already cross training, then up your weights. Do exercises that challenge more than one muscle group (compound exercises) at the same time. Add some plyometric exercises like jump squats or scissor lunges. Or you may want to tweak your diet some. Dissect your diet. You may find a culprit in there that is keeping you from hitting more fitness goals. For example, if you are consuming any forms of dairy, eliminate dairy from your diet. Dairy is a natural inflammatory food. 

Plateaus are going to happen. Even to the most fit people. You just need to know how to break that wall. Don’t get frustrated. Don’t get mad thinking you’re not working hard enough. Keep your routine and go harder. Go longer. Lift heavier. But don’t give up. 

Brentwood, California    phone 925.6283.102

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