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Diets, diets and more diets...

As I scrolled through Facebook his morning, I came across a few posts from people taking about certain ways of eating and “diets” they are currently on and it made me think. Why are we so obsessed with diets?  You have The South Beach Diet, The Atkins Diet, The Keto Diet, The Cabbage Diet and so on and so on.  Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I am a huge fan of healthy eating. I promote a healthy lifestyle of eating right and exercising daily.  I will not promote any one style of eating and say that’s the only way. I will however, encourage people to try and eat real food and not processed foods or meal replacements as a means for weight loss.  People will spend so much money a year to acheive sometimes unrealistic weight loss. 

Eating everyday is realistic. We need to set realistic goals. So, before you spend money on supplements or join expensive gyms, experiment with your diet for about 7-10 days and try eliminating certain items from your diet or in certain cases - adding more protein or veggies. Sometimes, a small tweak can make all the difference. 

Be kind to yourself. Love yourself.  You are your own best friend and no one knows you better than you. Start with loving you from the inside and see what happens on the outside. You’ll be surprised how your body will respond. 

Written by:  Adriana Agredano

Brentwood, California    phone 925.6283.102

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