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Holiday Eating.

Christmas is around the corner and that means family, friends, gatherings...

You’ve been to a few holiday parties already, but you know that Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are big eating days.  And don’t get me started about the New Years celebrations!  

Well, I’ve got some tips for you if you’re the kind that doesn’t have a halt button when it comes to food. There is no need to avoid parties because you’re afraid to over indulge. You just need to make some adjustments to your day on those party days. 

Here are some helpful tips to help:

1. Eat breakfast. Especially on “party” days. Skipping meals doesn’t mean you can make up for it at the party. It doesn’t work that way. 

2. Be sure that you get some exercise on those days too. Exercise keep you focused on why you’re exercising in the first place. 

3. When you’re at the party table, reach for fruits and veggies (skip the dips) and protiens. Try to keep your snacking clean. 

4. Drink plenty of water. Especially right before eating. Water will fill you up. There won’t be much room for food. 

5. Limit your alcohol. There are so many empty calories in alcoholic beverages. It’s really easy to get carried away. You’re NOT avoiding. You’re just limiting. 

6. Ask the host if Its okay to bring a healthy snack to share with the host and guests.  

7. When having dinner, more veggies and protein are the key. There will be many foods to chose from. Just make wise choices. 

8. Don’t forget portion control. Wether you’re at home or at a party - portion control still applies. 

9. Have some dessert. Don’t deprive yourself. Just remember #8 above. 

10. Have fun!  Enjoy your family and friends. Have a wonderful time and be you! 

I tell my clients that holiday parties don’t define us. As long as we are in control then we own the day. Just follow these simple tips and you will be ready to have some fun. Have a wonderful holiday season. 

Written by: Adriana Agredano. 

Brentwood, California    phone 925.6283.102

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