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New Year Resolutions

We did it!  We survived the mayhem of Christmas. Now we move on to the next thing before the year ends...New Year Resolutions.  In most cases a resolution is a weight loss journey that starts off with good intention and quickly looses momentum due to unrealistic goals. You begin a program with purchasing pills, or shakes, or body wraps or even join a gym. It all becomes a fad. It looses its luster and then a few weeks in it doesn’t look as appealing. 

Fitness is not a fad. It’s a way of life. Eating healthy is not a fad. It’s a lifetime commitment to yourself. Now, that does not mean that you deprive yourself from some sweets  once in a while or that you take a day or two and not exercise. We all need breaks once in a while. Its discipline. It’s commitment. It’s a way of life. 

So this year if you are contemplating joining a fitness gym to get rid of a few pounds or are thinking of purchasing weight loss supplements as part of your New Years resolution, set realistic goals first. A timeline, if you will. Give yourself enough time to actually hit a target. Make plans for this to be successful. You got this. 

Make it the year that you make it happen. 

Smash your goals. 

And then do it again. 

Stay Strong...

Written by:  Adriana Agredano

Brentwood, California    phone 925.6283.102

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