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Easy Clean Cheat Snack

Snacking is something people are either great at (they keep it healthy) or not so great at (the bag of chips all goes in one sitting). When you’re trying to be good about what you’re eating, sometimes you want to cheat a little. Here is a little clean cheat that I enjoy from time to time. Only 3 ingredients involved and it’s sure to satisfy everyone. Even kids!  

All you need is 

1.  Banana

2. All natural peanut butter or almond butter

3. A few mini chocolate chips (yes, the minis). 

First, slice banana but make sure you have an even amount of slices. 

Take half of the slices and top with some peanut butter or almond butter. Next, sprinkle a few mini chocolate chips over the peanut butter or almond butter and then top with the remaining banana slices. And that’s it!  Easy and delicious. 

Simple and delicious!  Enjoy. 

Brentwood, California    phone 925.6283.102

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