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Weight loss and Fat loss are not the same.

So many people struggle with weight loss. Not just weight loss but fat loss. Losing weight is really not that hard. If losing weight is what one is after then simply going on a liquid diet for a few days will get you to drop a few pounds pretty quickly. But is that a permanent loss?  The truth is that we want easy. We don’t want to wait for results. We want instant results.  Change your focus. Instead of weight loss, go for fat loss. 

Having a lean body takes discipline and time. Some people are genetically built to be lean and some people are not so lucky. For those that were not born with the lean gene, staying trim takes work, effort, know how and time. 

First, let me tell you that going straight to shakes and pills is NOT the way to do it. You want permanent results. Not results that will fade after the novelty has left you. You need to understand that it will not happen over night or in a week. Permanent weight/fat loss takes time. You’ve heard the saying “you are what you eat”?  Well, that couldn’t be any more true. What we eat, will most likely determine what our physique looks like. It’s all about the foods we eat. Think quality not quantity. 

By removing certain items from your diet, you clean up your eating and your body will respond with fat loss. Permanent fat loss. What items should be removed?  Glad you asked!  Here are some basic things to look out for and avoid most of the time.

• Dairy (all forms including Greek yogurt)

• Wheat products (even whole wheat)

• Anything processed or pre packaged. (Frozen meals, deli meats, canned foods)

• Alcohol (especially beer)

• Sugar (white table sugar)

• Soft drinks 

• High salt foods 

• Hydrogenated fats (margarine or butter substitutes, shortening)

• Vegetable oil (canola and corn oil)

These are items that we consume almost daily and think that most are healthy for us but the truth is every item on this list is a naturally inflammatory food. Now, I’m not suggesting that you eliminate them 100%, but if you clean up your diet 85-90% of the time, you will feel and see a difference in your body. 

Give it a try. It does take discipline, but the rewards of feeling great are so worth all the efforts of saying no to junk. Take a 30 day challenge. If 30 days seems too long then break it up. Go 15 days. After 15 days, another 15 days is a piece of cake. You got this. It’s all you and you are so worth it. 

Brentwood, California    phone 925.6283.102

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