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Meal Prepping Made Easy

Some of the struggles of eating healthy is knowing what to eat through out the day. We all know that if we have the right foods at all times, then eating right is easier. But not everyone knows how or where to start. Some of us are super creative in the kitchen and some of us are not. Not to worry because that's what todays article is about. I'm going to do my best at using my blog to show you just how simple meal prepping really is.

You need to think of your new lifestyle as a remodeling. You need the proper supplies and materials to be able to remodel your home, right? Well, it's no different with your body. You need to keep your kitchen stocked with the proper foods so that your meal preparations go smoothly. You will need to invest in some containers (enough for lunches and dinners). Especially if you work outside your home.

Decide on the meals you will prepare for your lunches and your dinners. If you are preparing just for yourself, then follow the recipe accordingly and double it. It will allow enough food for a week. Remember your portions too. Depending on your goals your protein intake can vary from 4-6 oz. per meal so make sure you are staying within your individual meal portions. Meals do not have to be fancy either. They can be as simple as grilled chicken breast, baked sweet potato and steamed mixed veggies. Seasonings are key. Invest in salt free seasonings like Flavor God seasonings. Once your meals are prepared, place your containers on your counter and start filling them up. Dividing and measuring for each container. Once you have done this, seal and refrigerate or freeze your meals. You now have meals prepped for your week. Its that simple. If you work outside the home, don't forget to pack your snacks and have plenty of water to drink through out the day.

Yes, it sounds like a lot of work and it is. It will be a new part of a routine that you are adding. Remember, you are remodeling your body. You need to make the necessary changes to your eating in order for this new look to happen. Be patient with yourself. And like with everything new, this too will become easy.

Brentwood, California    phone 925.6283.102

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